When life gets in the way

Is it just me?  This year has been a toughie! My life has chugged on, mostly on target, for years. This year I suddenly lost my beloved Dad.  Yes, he was 90, but he deteriorated over about 3 weeks and was suddenly gone.


Now, as I write this blog, there have been at least six people within my family, work and social circle, who have passed away this year. In addition, people I know have been diagnosed with ‘dread’ diseases. These unpleasant experiences have triggered an inward view of my own life. It’s vital that we live life to the fullest, making the best out of each and every moment.  I want to be in the best possible condition to be able to make the most of this precious life that I’ve been given.


  Here are 6 of my top prerequisites for squeezing every drop out of every possible moment: 

1.    Mindfully sourcing, preparing and consuming natural whole and life-force producing foods as fuel for my body.

2.    Drinking the purest (possible) water.

3.    Exercising to keep my body in the best condition.  Remember if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

4.    Getting ample, good quality sleep each night. (for me that is seven to eight hours)

5.    Interacting with family and friends on a regular basis.

6.    Connecting with Nature; thereby calming my mind to best cope with all the stresses and strains that life throws at us.


I’ve gone through a process of taking my foot off the pedal to mindfully manage this year’s curved balls. I now look forward to the season of love as we prepare for Christmas and the end of year holidays. Sometimes we need to go back to the basics.  Re-assess, Re-focus, Re-build to ultimately REVIVE BALANCE and SUSTAIN ourselves in peak condition! 

Simply Delicious Summer Salad Building

‘Simply’ Delicious Summer Salad Building

We’re sweltering in South Africa at the moment with high temperatures and glorious sunny days! Ideal for serving salads. We’re all so time-strapped in our urban life styles, so let’s get back to basics by learning to build ‘simply’ delicious salads.

Our salad building tips:

1.     Keep to four, maximum six ingredients

2.     Make sure you have a good colour and texture spread

3.     Green is the most important colour. This should form the base of the salad

4.      Optional extra ingredients. For example: olives, homemade pickles,  homemade sprouts, or homemade sauerkraut/kimchi

5.     To dress your salad, try using some kombucha vinegar (by: Sprout It) and mix in some homemade pesto.

Voila! The perfect ‘simply’ delicious summer salad.

If you are interested to learn how to make your own pickles, sprouts, kimchi or sauerkraut, come and join one of our workshops or book a private consultation for us to come in and detox your pantry and put you on your course toward revived health and sustained living.